“The Liturgy of a Black Lives Matter Protest,” Christian Century (2020).
“Third-Order Theology,” part of the Syndicate Project on the State of Theology, Syndicate (2020).
"The Great Commandment," Ecclesio (2018).
"Harsh Truths for Reformation Sunday," Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice (2017).
"Unlikeable," a four part series in Conditionally Accepted, Inside Higher Ed (2016-2017).
--How Being Likeable Influences One's Progress in Academe
--How Marginalized Academics Can Improve Their Editing
--How to Approach Faculty Members for Recommendations
--Reaching Your Goals by Keeping Track of Your Work
"Pride and Sloth," Presbyterian Outlook (2015).
"What the Ferguson Protests Mean for Religious Progressive Activism," Religion Dispatches (2014).
"Ferguson in Context," Huffington Post (2014).
"Love Means Getting to Say You're Sorry--Why I Was Arrested in Ferguson," Huffington Post (2014).
"The Politics of Reading: A Love Note for Stephen Ray," The Feminist Wire (2013).
"The Good Housekeeping Panopticon, or Why I Don't Do Yoga," Profligate Grace (2011).