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Throughout the day I pray for those in need of protection, healing, justice, and strength. In the evening, I focus on what I am thankful for, and I lift up those people and communities who work for justice and resist hate.

Tonight I am in awe of the continuing protests around the country, and so many friends who are standing with immigrants and refugees. You are amazing. I praise God for your witness.

I pray tonight for Guilford College, my beloved alma mater, which started the #everycampusarefuge program. God bless the people there who are working so hard right now. And I pray for every other school that is rejecting and resisting this Muslim ban. This is important teaching!

I pray also for the Guiding Light Islamic Center in Louisville. The youth of our church visited today, and were greeted with incredible hospitality and kindness. They taught my kids about Islam and fed them delicious food.

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