Tending Life
God of Hope, I ask blessing on those who are tending life. New moms and dads. Grown children caring for aging parents. Partners and...
God of Rainbows, I pray for the neighbors next door to Mike Pence’s vacation home in Colorado, who put up a sign at the end of the drive...
Teenagers in Israel
God of Peace, I pray for the 63 Israeli teenagers who refuse to be drafted into the Israeli army. In a letter to the Prime Minister and...
Erica Garner
God of Lament, tonight I pray for Erica Garner, who worked to end police brutality after her father, Eric Garner, was choked to death by...
Mind the Light
God of Hope, I pray for all who seek, protect, mind, await, and become the Light. Amen.
UN General Assembly
Holy God, I give thanks for the United Nations General Assembly, which voted overwhelmingly to demand that the United States rescind the...
Gifford Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
God of Mercy, I pray tonight for the Gifford Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and...
Dear God, I ask Your blessings on those left-of-center who are not beguiled by purity politics. Those who recognize that a great variety...
God of Jubilation, on this third Sunday of Advent, also called Gaudete Sunday, many Christians mark the importance of joy. To share joy...
USA Today
Righteous God, bless the editorial board of USA Today. Yesterday’s article on the Occupant was an act of resistance to the normalization...